Just saw the ad from UCC. The one where big bouncer types in front of an unnamed church are telling people who are homosexuals and non-whites that they aren't allowed in. Hmmm....
Are they saying that churches that are not theirs are bigoted or "intolerant"?
Does that other church in their ad toss out the homosexuals because they are merely homosexuals, or because they are wilfully and unabashedly practicing homosexuality?
Are the UCC saying that it's OK to be gay, or just that gays are allowed in their church?
I'm confused.
If they are saying that it's OK to be gay (near the end there are two women, real close to each other, the implication of course that they are lesbians) then I have a question.
What if one woman was older than the other by a couple years? Probably no big deal, right? What if the difference in age was a decade? No problem? What if one woman was 35 and the other 14? Is that OK? Would they draw a line of intolerance there?
Is everyone welcome here, and encouraged? What if it were a straight relationship? What if there was a 60-year-old man and a 12-year-old girl, and they genuinely loved each other? Would the UCC say OK to that? If not, why not?
Where does the UCC draw the line - any line? It seems everyone is invited to this very tolerant church. If we water down the Bible and change the status of what used to be called "sin," keeping with the social winds blowing at the moment, really what use is the Bible? One can justify any lifestyle one chooses. It's easy. Just eliminate a few incriminating verses and ba-da-bing! you can justify anything, even bestiality.
I see the importance of telling homosexuals that they are welcome to the church. Jesus came to save the sick and the lost. But there is a big difference between allowing sinners of all stripes (that would include me) to attend a church and... telling them that their lifestyle, whatever it may be, is just OK, by God.
Would Jesus, the God of both Testaments, say this is all just fine with Him? Would he say that the punishment he bore to free us from our sins was really nothing? Because that's what the UCC seems to be implying. I have a feeling that doesn't make him all that happy.