The Land of Blog inside

The rantings and ravings of the people who inhabit the bizarre world of sword&spirit ministries, where Christianity is on the edge.

Location: Temecula, Southern California, United States

Thursday, August 12, 2004

And all the world shall see Him?

Just a quick thought. When it says in The Revelation that all would see the return of Jesus, what does that mean? Many Christians (including myself years ago when I was part of the "Jesus will be back by 1986" crowd) tried to put a technical spin on it by saying that we would all witness it via satellite or some other future invention - like the internet. After all, the Earth is a sphere and if Jesus shows up one on side, those on the other side would be hard-pressed to see Him unless they had some special device for doing so.

But how about this? (And be nice; I'm opening up here.) Perhaps Jesus in all His glory will reveal Himself as the transcendent Being He is. Perhaps He will open up dimensions of time and space that we don't have access to now. Meaning, where He is He could reveal Himself all over the world from his lofty extradimensionality at the same moment in time. Literally every seeing person on Earth could see Him return, spherical Earth or not.

Draw a bunch of stick figures on a piece of paper. Their universe, the sheet of paper, is flat and they can't see every other stick figure on the paper. Other people are in the way. How could you reveal yourself to all of them so nobody and nothing was in the way? Where is a place where everyone could see you at once? Above the paper. Allow them to see you in the third dimension above their two dimensional world and ba da bing! you have yourself everyone's full attention at once.

I said don't laugh! For those of you not familiar with extradimensions and all the strange but very possible things that can be done there, read our Fishguts and Extra Dimensions (, or the book Beyond the Cosmos.

Sunday, August 08, 2004

Dehydrated Evil

I used to think all the bad news I heard of how horrible the world was could be explained by a little science. It went like this: The media pretty much only report the crud that goes on. If it weren't for them - if we didn't read papers or watch the news or listen to the radio - the only world we would know is the one around us; our neighborhood. And our neighborhood isn't that bad.

Therefore, I thought, with the way the media sifts through the news items and strains out only the bad stuff, of course we would see only their highly concentrated version of the world of hate and violence and runaway egotism and unethical behavior we live in.

There has always been homosexuality, rape, incest, murder, genocide, abortion, wars, and rumors of wars. But is it really getting worse? Or are we just hearing about all of it rather than only a small fraction of it, and it just appears worse? Are those who tell us that Jesus is coming back soon because of the rampant evil taking place correct? Or have they just seen the all the world's evil, which is always there, in its highly concentrated form and misinterpreted that as "Things are getting worse. Jesus is a comin' back tomorrow!"?

One way or another the time of Jesus' return is getting closer. I think most of us would agree on that.