The Land of Blog inside

The rantings and ravings of the people who inhabit the bizarre world of sword&spirit ministries, where Christianity is on the edge.

Location: Temecula, Southern California, United States

Saturday, July 31, 2004

Praying for "the enemy"

I don't doubt Mr. Bush is a real, nonpolitical, Christian. I agree with many of the values he holds. I think even when he is wrong that he probably meant well (I least I give him the benefit of the doubt on things like WMDs). I believe for those reasons and more that many evangelical American Christians are openly pushing for his re-election. I've seen and read opinions that say that all of us believers should be praying for his campaign and re-election, etc.

But none of the commentaries I've heard ever mention praying for Mr. Kerry. Win or lose he needs our prayers as well. If he ends up losing it would have been nice for us to have been praying that this was a life-changing experience for him, that he ended up this whole campaign finding God. If he wins, then, since he does not share many of our core values, he definitely needs prayer, both as an individual who needs Jesus, and as the leader of our country.

So how about this? When we pray for Mr Bush - before we take another breath - we'll also pray for Mr Kerry. It's a win-win situation.


Friday, July 30, 2004

Conventions - You can have them

And the point of watching one is...?

Let's see, I get to watch a lot of like-minded people in a love fest, the outcome of which is predestined. I can watch famous people who apparently by the virtue of celebrity know what is right and what is wrong so that we can follow them like sheep AND then tell our friends that So'N'So is one of us. I get to see wives go on and on about how wonderful their husbands are. And of course, we get to hear about how this political party, this candidate, this year is going to change America. And all without the semblance of a critical thought.

Please feel free to tell me one reason why we should watch this all expecting to get the truth from either party.