Science and the Obvious
I'll write more on this later (I hope). Right now it's just a rant.
But when are the agnostic and nontheistic scientists gonna grow up a little and at least admit the possibility that there is an all-powerful God behind this universe? Crimaney! How much evidence does one need that this place is not a mistake?!
It's really frustrating reading all the horsepoop in the literature implying that everything - the universe, this planet, life, and humans - will all eventually be explained as the results of countless beneficial mistakes.
The Emperor has no clothes!!!!
If I may comment, which I am (duh!), I think I'd say that the reason agnostic and non-theistic scientists are not accepting a god is because they're truly working on a testable philosophy that a god does not exist and that phenomena in the universe can be explained naturally. It's a philosophy that seems to be tested over and over again, like the Big Bang, and the empirical evidence seems to point to, at the very least, a universe in which a god is not needed/does not exist.
I think the error in logic is to assume that because there are appearances of design that there must be a designer -- after all, you are deciding what you think is design and what isn't (or you simply look at it all and think its all design). You see DNA and you notice that there are certain "codes" that are there to instruct cells how to "make" other cells and so forth; to me, this is like when the nervous system was thought to be made like a machine -- which it kind of is like a machine, but when we look further, it's more like electric signals are being sent. My point is that at different times in history, scientists have tried to relate objects of study to what they know. Bearing that in mind, it seems like some say "design" because they have no other way of explaining what they see -- like a god to fill in the gaps.
I think, being an agnostic, that evidence isn't going to point to a god because the evidence is being tested under an enthymematic premise that god does not exist -- add god into the hypothesis and lets see what happens (like I.C.R. does, kinda).
A million more pieces of evidence that point to "design" won't be convincing for a designer because, ultimately, you're interpreting evidence in relation to your beliefs -- beliefs that are supported with evidence that is interpreted according to your beliefs. Seems like it's "begging the question" now.
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