The Land of Blog inside

The rantings and ravings of the people who inhabit the bizarre world of sword&spirit ministries, where Christianity is on the edge.

Location: Temecula, Southern California, United States

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

George W Bush caused the tsunamis!

Didn't take long. It is now three days after the massive earthquake and ensuing tsunamis that claimed tens of thousands of lives, and already the United States is being blamed for not doing enough to help.

Some UN schmuck is claiming we should be giving more to the disaster relief fund. Only what he doesn't realize is that - despite our faults - we are THE most giving nation this sin-ridden planet has ever seen. Crimaney, did we drop the ball on this one!

How long before some bonehead says that the U.S. itself is responsible for the earthquake? Maybe we ought to have moved the tectonic plates ourselves, albeit a little slower, to prevent all this. We coulda!!! If George W hadn't been so focused on Iraq and all the oil we'll get out of it, he would have seen this impending disaster and done something about! What a flake! I'm not voting for him next time!

Some parents didn't spank their children when they had the chance.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


9:59 AM  
Blogger David said...

Hey Mark (can I call you that now that I haven't been your student since the 90's?), my first official comment on your blog will set the tone for future comments, and I'm betting rubles-to-dollars you're not going to enjoy them.
To start with this post (the first one to catch my eye), I hate to inform you that this commonly quoted statistic is incredibly false--out of the top 20 industrial nations in the world, the U.S. gives the LEAST in percentage of GNP (and that if you even count all those helicopters for Israel that we try to pawn off as "aid"). Even in actual dollars, we are surpassed by Japan and Saudi Arabia, since last I checked.
On a lighter note, good to see you last week at the ol' high school.

11:04 PM  

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