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The rantings and ravings of the people who inhabit the bizarre world of sword&spirit ministries, where Christianity is on the edge.

Location: Temecula, Southern California, United States

Friday, October 08, 2004

Minority rules!

Sorry, another political statement ahead.

But don't you find it weird that for the umpteenth election in recent deacdes, a president will be elected by less than half the votes, less than 50%?

Isn't that sort of like taking the World Series by winning 3 out of 7 games?

And don't get me started on that electoral college prehistoric nonsense that just makes this all worse. I did not vote for Al Gore four years ago, but he did win more votes than Mr. Bush, and darn it! in America doesn't that mean he won, whether I like it or not?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The USA is a Republic - not a democracy. The idea of electing the Prez on popular vote alone sounds good on paper, but in reality would be a nightmare.

For instance, if you live in the Midwest like me, then basically your vote would be out, since the population of the USA mostly resides on the Coastal states. With the Electoral College, each State has the same number of electors as their number of Reps + Senators in Congress. So, we have a balance between accounting for States w/lots-o-folks and giving each State an equal voice.

Also, look at France. They vote their president in by popular vote. What is the effect of that system?! There are a ton of political parties, versus Americas two party system. So, if you have a 100 people running for president - the how much of a majority does it take to win? You want a president elected to office that only 5-6% of the people actually want in office?

The Electoral College isn't outdated and antiquated - it is an ingenious system that brings balance and sanity to an inherently insane process - politics!

5:44 AM  
Blogger Ritter said...

In reply to:

Do you really think the presidents would be campaining in Battle states like Iowa, and Missouri?

I'd ask: Do you think they'd be there at all if the states were already too far one way or another? Do you think Kerry gives a flip about Bush states or vice versa? Politicians go where they can get votes, to big states or small.

And does it really make a difference in the way we vote? If Mr Kerry comes to my town and talks to us, will I suddenly vote for him over Bush whom I have never seen?

What ticks me off is this: If my state (California) is about 55/45 Kerry/Bush exactly what does my vote count for if I am voting for Bush? It counts for zip. Whether Kerry takes my state by ten million votes or one, he gets the whole stinking state.

And you have to see *something* wrong with someone winning an election with fewer votes than his opponent as Mr Bush did over Mr Gore.

And - correct me if I'm wrong - the whole electoral college thing was set up by rich white guys who thought the masses were too stupid to pick correctly. However correct that may be about the masses being stupid, it still smacks of elitism and prejudice.

There... I feel all better now. ;)

5:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey's me.
I have to admit, I'm torn about the process. The college system appeals to me because I'm of the opinion that many Americans are unqualified to effectively vote. The 'Ill vote for him 'cuz he has WAY better hair' effect. But I know how terribly unfair and prejudicial that is. That's me saying you're too dumb to vote so yours won't count. Implications...oh dear. Let's not slide down THAT hill. Also, the proccess hits close to home because I know my vote won't really 'count' since California is going to Kerry. It makes me not want to vote at all in a practical sense. But of course I will, out of principle. So when it comes down to it, the winner should win. Otherwise, what's the point of a vote? Wow. I think I may be more confused now.

9:20 AM  
Blogger David said...

Do we want to be colonies of NY and LA, the way Washington state is a colony of Seattle?

4:56 PM  

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