The Land of Blog inside

The rantings and ravings of the people who inhabit the bizarre world of sword&spirit ministries, where Christianity is on the edge.

Location: Temecula, Southern California, United States

Sunday, January 16, 2005

Joining the Army of the Tribulation!

Another thing that bugs me. The idea that Christians get off scot-free from any End Times yucky stuff.

Let me think about that. The time when the world needs us most, we want to leave. Our fate is sealed, we have been given eternal life, but instead of saying "I know my future, I'm not worried. I'll stay and help if it kills me," we instead think "Cool! I'm outta here."

This is where I part company with many American Christians: I will volunteer to stay.

If the Revelation is being correctly interpreted (not a guarantee) in that there will be a seven year tribulation, I want to stay and help. I think that's what the Lord might want, volunteers to stay and die trying to save some people.

No, I don't want to get smacked around and mayhemmed (if that is a word), but if He wants me to stick around this place for a measly couple more years, I will. Maybe He can use me to save someone from an eternity without Him. That would make the stay extremely worth the pain.

I'm not sure why we American Christians have such a profound escape mentality.


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